SCO No.32-33-34, Sector 17-C, CHANDIGARH.

AC-165/2008 -2
  1. . It is observed that the PIO/Director Medical Education and Research has erred in not transferring the case under section 6 (3) within 5 days of the receipt of the application. It has also not explained as to why once the application had already been returned with the fee to the applicant, for what reason the matter was reopened, and another communication reportedly sent to the applicant dated 19.12.2007. There is no proof of registry or receipt from the applicant for this communication and neither is it mentioned by the applicant in his complaint dated 05.04.2008, creating a doubt as to whether they were issued at all. It is also observed that the stand of the Homoeopathic Council that an amount of Rs. 250/- be deposited is wrong since as per the provisions of the section 7 (6) “the information shall be provided free of charge where a public authority fails to comply with the time limits specified in subsection 1” (30 days).
  2. The PIO/Director Medical Education is hereby directed to ensure that the Homoeopathic Council gives the full information required to the applicant free of charge within 10 days duly indexed, page numbered and attested. Proof by way of receipt from the complainant and a copy of the information supplied be placed on the record of the Commission also without fail on the next date of hearing.
  Adjourned to 13.08.2008.

(Mrs. Rupan Deol Bajaj)      
State Information Commissioner

08.07. 2008.