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Grahak Jago - Consumer Courts Order  

  • Punjab and Haryana High Court Chandigarh

  • All Judgments of consumer courts in India
    National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission

  • Candidates have right to inspect answer sheets : SC Click Here to View 

  • Specify Contents / Standard in cold drink like Pepsi , Coke - Supreme Court View

  • Students who take exams are not consumers - Supreme Court Click to View

  • Now Consumer Courts can entertain telecom disputes View earlier Supreme court barred. Click to View

  • Penalty Rs. 50 lakh slapped by NCDRC  on excess charged Rs 75/-  4 March 2014

  • A complaint can be filed at any place where the opponent's dealing office or its hierarchy of controlling offices is located. Thus, a consumer would be free to choose where to file the complaint, and can approach the consumer forum where the branch office is located, or where the regional or head office is located. Also, if a claim is kept hanging, limitation would not apply and a consumer would be free to file a complaint any time. 15.July.2014 Maharashtra State Consumer


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