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Grahak Jago - Quick LPG Supply / Booking /  Complaint
Online Booking/Complaint of LPG refill as Below : -

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited - 
For booking Complaint & New Connection

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited-
For Suggestion, Query, Complaint 

LPG Refill Booking
(Register, login & Book online refill) Click here

Indian Oil Corporation Limited
For Online Booking :  Click Here
For Booking Through Email : Click Here
For LPG Complaint / Suggestion :  Click here

To cover safety and insurance use
Suraksha Pipe & BIS/ISI marka Gas Stove/Hot Plate Free Insurance Limits of Liability (Per Person Rs.10 Lakhs see page 11) of National Insurance Company Ltd. anywhere in INDIA for Registered LPG Consumers of Indian oil, Bharat Petroleum, Hindustan Petroleum from 22.April.2009 to 21.April.2010 (Premium Paid Rs. 80,00,000/- by Govt to Insurance Co. for year) View Detail
  Or HP Booking through SMS/IVR dialing following phone numbers
  1. Punjab - 9855623456
  2. Vizag N Hyderabad - 9666023456
  3. Kolkata - 9088823456
  4. Chennai - 9092223456
  5. Delhi - 9990923456
  6. Patna - 9507123456
  7. Bangalore - 9964023456
  8. Lucknow - 9889623456
  9. Pune N Mumbai - 8888823456
  10. Chandigarh - 9855623456
  11. Kerala - 9961023456

Marketing Discipline Guidelines 2013 For LPG Distributorship View

Gas Agency Owner took away 9 refills in a DAY : Contempt in CWP 23649 of 2014 in High Court View

Direct Benefit Transfer for LPG consumer : DBTL
Petroleum Ministry directed to oil companies to disclose List of Domestic gas Consumers
   in INDIA. for view : Indane | HPCL | BPCL (Sec 4(1) (b) (xiii) of RTI Act) 
Why Fake /Bogus domestic gas connections used/held by gas agencies (themselves)
     shall be checked  by gas agencies? View IOCL {(MD)(AM-LPG-S)}

In the Name of Inspection of LPG Connections As per Sudha Joshi Committee Approved by Ministry of Petroleum, Govt of India, Inspection Officers are Approving Bogus Gas Connections held by many Gas Agencies. Click to View Inspection Order

Un-married youth is entitled to get new Domestic LPG Connection if separate kitchen.  Rahul Gandhi got 12 gas refills in last 7 months of year 2011 vide consumer number 37577 at Kiran Gas Service, Delhi - Click to View and Hon'ble Mayawati has 2 domestic LPG connections vide consumer no : 38658, 10635 at Rajhans Gas Service, Delhi.
Click to View IOCL issued domestic LPG connections more than 2000 in Delhi only in the names of Miss....Click here

List of Names and Addresses of all beneficiaries (Like PDS Kerosene Oil, Oldage Pensioners, Widow Pensioners, BPL etc) must be disclosed on internet to check illegal beneficiaries
 Click Here

Subsidy for poors Pinches the leaders but subsidy to corporate not
    Pinches the leaders.
Click to View.

Three domestic LPG connections (Bogus) to same person without kitchen inspection
    and without any document inspite of the fact that it is in the knowledge of the
    IOCL officials also. Click to View

On Appeal of Grahak Jago Member (Prem Sagar Singla), Hon'ble State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission Punjab imposed compensation in First Appeal No. 1821 of 2010 on dated 30.09.2011 on Gas agency  Rs.10,000.00 because Mann Gas Agency, Bathinda has using PICK and Choose Policy in delivering the Domestic LPG Supply and not booked before 21 Days after last refill/delivery saying oral instruction of Deputy Commissioner Bathinda.  Click to View

On Complaint of  Grahak Jago member Pawan Kumar, Hon'ble Court (DCF, Faridkot) imposed compensation Rs. 30,000.00 due to Expiry/Outdated LPG Cylinder in circulation by the IOCL as well as gas agency amounts to deficiency in service and unfair trade practice in complaint No : 60 decided on 29.11.2011

On Complaint of Grahak Jago Member (Vinod Kumar), Hon'ble Court i.e. DCF- Mukatsar Punjab imposed compensation on dated 12-04-2010 on gas agency  Rs.80000.00 because Preet Gas Service, Gidderbaha has not book for refill before 21 day  after last refill/delivery in complaint case number 339 of 2009

On Complaint of Under weight cylinders etc by Grahak Jago members, Penality Rs 80,364.50 only imposed on Sidhu Gas Service Bathinda View Detail

Penal action on Gas Agency for irregularities  Click here

Gas Agency will be Cancelled if found Guilty Three times in two years  Click Here

Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (Order) New Delhi 26th April 2000
Control Order 2000 for Liquefied Petroleum Gas(LPG) Click here

G.S.R. 655(E) Notification : The word "person" wherever it occurs, the word "household" shall be substituted. Click here 10.09.2009

Two Domestic LPG connections at one address are legal if separate kitchen.
Click here

Husband and wife having two Domestic LPG Connections means Couple under one roof can own two LPG connections: Hon'ble High Court  Click Here 07.10.2009. IOCL issued domestic LPG connections more than 42000 in Delhi only in the names of W/o....Click here. IOCL issued domestic LPG connections more than 26000 in Delhi only in the names of Mrs....Click here

LPG connection for domestic purpose is highly subsidised, which comes under the purview of the Essential Commodities Act.: IOCL Click here

You can Book/Order for two LPG refills at a time Click here

Two domestic LPG connections should be allowed every person like Click here

Rules for Gas Agencies (IOCL) like : Uniform, Working Hours, Owner's Presence, Refill Delivery, Home Delivery etc. Click here
RGGLV ke naam par loot see on page 2. No home delivery no rebate at godown. Click here
  • Court (DCF) imposed penalty Rs. 50,000.00 and compensation Rs. 10,000.00,
    for not giving new gas connection by gas agency. (deficiency in service) Click here.

  • No Time Bound Limit for Domestic LPG Gas booking -
    By R P N Singh (Petroleum State Minister) Click here.
  • Order to Display at ALL LPG DISTRIBUTORS in THE STATE OF PUNJAB as No time bound Limit of 21 days for Booking the Refill
    view Order Copy Click here.
  • Hon'ble Court i.e. DCF- Mukatsar also decided on dated 10-03-2009 that booking of LPG cylinder should be done without any restriction of 21 days after last refill/delivery in complaint case of Raj Pal Sharma.

  • No Security Deposits (i.e. Free) for BPL families in the rural areas for release of new LPG connection under Rajiv Gandhi Gramin LPG Vitarak Yojana (RGGLVY) Click here.
  • No need of booking for refill LPG in case of Cash N Carry (means if customer takes refill from gas agency) Click here

  • Gas Agency can't Force To Buy gas Stove on New Connection from them Click here

  • Getting new LPG connection, New Hot Plate is not compulsary, can be used Old Hot Plate/ Old Gas Stove with BSI/ISI marka : IOCL Point serial 9
  • LPG Refill supply at home within 48 hours after booking as per Standing committee (Sthai Samiti) of Parliament related with petroleum and natural gas ministry  Click here

  • No Shortage of LPG of Indane(Supply has been made as per demand) Click here

  • No Shortage of LPG as per Sh. Murli Devara (Petroleum Minister) Click here

  • Any time Booking for LPG refill as Per D.C. Patiala, Pnnjab Click here

  • No Shortage of LPG in the District as per Sh. Munish Narula (D.F.S.O. Barnala) told to Grahak Jago Click here

  • Penalty imposed Rs.2000/- on Gas Agency Due to late Delivery  Click here

  • On underweight LPG, FIR U/S 420 I.P.C. & 7 E.C. Act has been lodged. Click here

  • Refill would be available before 20 days Click here (Danik Bhaskar)

  • After Booking Delivery on Next Day in Mumbai Click here (Danik Bhaskar)

  • To Control malpractices by Gas Agency then Consumer can ask for list of consumers held by LPG Distributors Click here 1 or Click here 2

  • As per District Consumer Court Nagaur Rajasthan,
    In case of Loss of Blue/Red Book (Gas Connection Diary),
    Consumer can apply on a Plain Paper (without Any Affidavit) Along with Identity Proof
    Charges for a new Book are Rs. 25/- as on dated : 09.March.2009

Four Ways to Complaint - LPG GAS AGENCY
1) Write your complaint in Complaint Book Placed with in gas Agency
2) Send SMS to sales officer of petroleum company (Mobile no. Available with gas Agency)
3) Give Written complaint to District Food & Supply controller and get receipt of the same
4) Complaint on web sites. Given Below
There is No Shortage / Delay of  LPG, Newspaper Ad from ONGC Ministry - Govt. Of India
Click Here To View

There is No Time Bound Limit for LPG Booking Refill from last Refill.
Means : Consumer can Book LPG Refill at Any Time as per his demand after last Refill 
1. Information given by Indian Oil Click Here To View
    (Delivery with in 48 Hours & 15Km Radius.) (Timing 8am to 5 pm)
    (No Snap Required for old Consumers view only 1 of 12 Document for Renewal/Verification
    of his gas connection Click Here To View)
   IOCL Officer's name, contact number & email addresses Click Here (Source Punjab Kesari)
   Toll Free No : Click Here

2. Information given by Bharat Petroleum  Click Here To View
    (After booking Home-Delivery within 24 hours
    Bharat Petroleum
(Timing 8am to 8pm, Sunday Open)  See Point 1 Click to See)
    No guidelines issued by the BPCL to collect snap from old consumers on Connection Verification
    by gas Agency Click to See

3. Information given by Hindustan Petroleum (Timing 8am to 5 pm, Sunday Open).
    Click Here To View Delivery with in 24 Hours
    No Snap Required while on Connection Verification by gas Agency Click to See


Consumer is having right to check the weight of goods purchase from any retailer.
All Retailers who are covered under VAT or TOT shall maintain a Electronic Weighing machine, Rule 23A of Standards of Weights & Measures (Packaged Commodities) Click Here To View

Outdated / Expired / Condom Cylinder/Not Useable
More Risk to Blast

On Complaint of  Grahak Jago member Pawan Kumar, Hon'ble Court (DCF, Faridkot) imposed compensation Rs. 30,000.00 due to Expiry/Outdated LPG Cylinder in circulation by the IOCL as well as gas agency amounts to deficiency in service and unfair trade practice in complaint No : 60 decided on 29.11.2011 View Detail

The Outdated Cylinder means Expiry of Empty / Filled which specification is given below :
There are two types Alpha & Numeric letters printed on cylinder inside one of the vertical  supporting three plates, Which means as under :
A means First quarter of the year i.e. 1 Jan to 31 March.
B means Second quarter of the year i.e. 1 Apr to 30 June.
C means Third quarter of the year i.e. 1 July to 30 September.
D means Fourth quarter of the year i.e. 1 October to 31 December.

After Alpha Number (A, B, C, D) Numeric Number like (09,10,11..) Char means The year of Expiry.
For Example :
08 = 2008
09 = 2009
10 = 2010
11 = 2011

A.08 means it expired on 31.March.2008

For Clarification there is practical examples as under for cylinder A.11

A means First quarter of the year i.e. 1 Jan to 31 March.
11 means Expiry of Cylinder on 2011
That Means
this Cylinder (Bottle) Expired on 31.March.2011

Another examples as under for cylinder C.13

C means Third quarter of the year i.e. 1 July to 30 September.
13 means Expiry of Cylinder on 2013
That Means
this Cylinder (Bottle) Expired on 30.September.2013


from - IBN7 Posted on Jun 13, 2010 at 09:00am IST

नई दिल्ली। घर में इस्तेमाल होने वाले गैस सिलेंडर की एक्सपाइरी डेट के बारे में बहुत कम लोग जानते है। ये बात सुनने में शायद आपको भी नई लगे, लेकिन हर सिलेंडर की एक लाइफ होती है जिसके बाद उसका इस्तेमाल असुरक्षित और खतरनाक हो जाता है। ऐसे में सिलेंडर लेने से पहले सावधानी बरतना बेहद जरूरी है।

क्या आप सिलेंडर लेने से पहले उसकी एक्सपाइरी डेट चेक करते है? क्या आपको पता है कि गैस सिलेंडर की एक्सपाइरी डेट होती है? क्या आप जानते है एक्सपायर्ड सिलेंडर का इस्तेमाल बेहद खतरनाक होता है?

बीनम की ही तरह ज्यादातर लोग इस बात से अनजान होते है। हम सभी गैस सिलेंडर लेने से पहले सिलेंडर का वजन तोलने से लेकर गैस में होने वाली लीकेज की जांच तो करते है, लेकिन जानकारी ना होने के कारण कभी भी एक्सपाइरी डेट की तरफ देखते तक नहीं है। जानकारों की माने तो एक्सपायर्ड सिलेंडर का इस्तेमाल बेहद खतरनाक और जानलेवा तक साबित हो सकता है।


एक्सपायर सिलेंडर में गैस लीक होने और फटने का डर हमेशा बना रहता है। जाहिर है अगर आप सावधान और जागरुक हों तो ऐसे हादसों से बचा सकता है। हर सिलेंडर पर उसकी एक्सपाइरी डेट लिखी होती है जिसे समझना बहुत आसान होता है।

ये तारीख एक अक्षर A,B,C या D और दो नंबर में लिखी होती है।
A यानी पहला क्वार्टर या मार्च तक।
B यानी दूसरा क्वार्टर या जून तक।
C यानी तीसरा क्वार्टर या सितंबर तक।
D यानी चौथा क्वार्टर या दिसंबर तक।

अगर आपके सिलेंजर में तारीख D14 लिखी है तो आपके सिलेंडर की एक्सपाइरी डेट दिसंबर 2014 होगी। अगर A10 तो मतलब आपका सिलेंडर मार्च 2010 में एक्सपायर हो चुका है।

हादसों से तभी बचा जा सकता है जब लोग जागरुक हो। सिलेंडर की एक्सपाइरी डेट के साथ जरूरी है सिलेंडर की सही समय पर जांच भी कराना। गैस की बदबू हो या फिर पाइप में गडबडी, तुरंत चैकिंग कराए।

हर सिलेंडर पर एक्सपाइरी लिखी होती है, लेकिन जानकारी ना होने के कारण हम इसे नजरअंदाज कर देते है। लोगों की ऐसी ही छोटी-छोटी लापरवाही से ही हादसे होते है। जरूरी है लोग एहतियात बरते। तो अगली बार जब आप सिलेंडर ले, तो ये एक्सपाइरी डेट को भी चेक करे।


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